Simiyu Climate Resilience Project: FP041

Project Outline

The objective of the project is to increase the climate resilience of rural and urban households, particularly those of women and small-scale farmers, living in the Simiyu Region and to improve policies and regulation for cross-sectoral action towards climate adaptation.
Fields of action include:

  1. Improving the government's institutional and regulatory framework for cross-sectoral and community-based adaptation planning.
  2. Improving climate resilience of water supply infrastructure, sanitation services, and agricultural practices in the Simiyu Region.
  3. Pursuing a community-driven approach to ensure targeting of the most vulnerable households.
  4. Enhancing adaptive capacities of vulnerable urban and rural populations, as well as improving capacities of local and central government structures.
Country(ies) Tanzania
National Designated Authority (NDA) Office of the Vice President
Accredited Entity (AE) Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau: KfW (International)
Executing Entity (EE) Ministry of Finance and Planning (Public)
Date of Final FP Submission
Estimated Project Duration 2017-2022
Target Sector Water Resource Management/Agriculture
GCF Financing 102.7 million euros (Grant) Medium
  • KfW: 26.1 million EUR (Grant)
  • Government of Tanzania Water Basket: 0.6 million EUR (Grant)
  • Government of Tanzania: 12.5 million EUR (Budget)
  • Local User Groups: 1.5 million EUR (Cash & In-kind)

Project Description

< Major Project Components>

  1. Construction of bulk water system and urban/rural water distribution network including public taps in the Simiyu Region.
  2. Construction of wastewater treatment plant and public toilets.
  3. Construction and rehabilitation of dams and small-scale irrigation systems.
  4. Introduction of climate-smart irrigation techniques, seeds, and fodder supply through Ngitili enrichment.
Timetable of project implementation
Timetable of project implementation
Ref: FP041 Simiyu Climate Resilience Project

Potential Indicators of Key Impacts

Expected total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, disaggregated by gender (reduced vulnerability or increased resilience):

  1. Direct beneficiaries: 495,000 persons (52% of total beneficiaries will be female)
  2. Indirect beneficiaries: 2,500,000 persons
    1% of the total population
  3. Other relevant indicator: About 85% of project activities avoid lock-in of long-lived infrastructure.