Project to support the World Bank's Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB), in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: FP014
Project Outline
This project seeks to scale up the first phase of the World Bank Group (WBG)-supported Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB), in which knowledge and the capacity base for climate action of Central Asian stakeholders are strengthened via improved climate assessment/decision making tools and facilitated regional dialogues; and to increase productivity and address climate change by promoting the adoption of rural production, land management, and other climate-resilient and mitigation investments, by providing grant financing at the village, community, and resource-user levels.
Country(ies) | Tajikistan and Uzbekistan |
National Designated Authority (NDA) | Director General, Centre of Hydrometeorological Service Cabinet of Ministers (Uzbekistan) Chairman, Committee on Environmental Protection (Tajikistan) |
Accredited Entity (AE) | World Bank Group, IDA (International) |
Executing Entity (EE) | Executive Committee for the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea: EC-IFAS National Coordination Units: NCUs; Uzbekistan Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and Tajikistan Committee on Environmental Protection (Public) |
Date of Final FP Submission | May 20, 2016 |
Estimated Project Duration | 2016-2022 |
Target Sector | Agriculture |
GCF Financing | 19.00 million USD (Grant) Medium |
Co-financing |
Project Description
< Major Project Components>
- Scaling up CAMP4ASB's Climate Investment Assessment Mechanism.
- Regional Climate Investment Facility to address climate change by promoting the adoption of rural production, land management, and other climate-resilient and mitigation investments, at the village, community, and resource-user levels.
- Regional and national coordination to help position both countries to eventually seek Direct Access to the GCF.

Potential Indicators of Key Impacts
Expected total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, disaggregated by gender (reduced vulnerability or increased resilience):
- Direct beneficiaries: 205,000 persons
- Indirect beneficiaries:
2.5% of the total population - Other related indicators:
- Number of hectares under climate-resilient agricultural, land, and water management practices supported by the Project: + 35,000 ha.
- Expected increase in generation and use of climate information in decision-making: +3 up-scaled climate strategies and programs across the region.