Climate Resilient Infrastructure Mainstreaming (CRIM): FP004
Project Outline
The Climate Resilient Infrastructure Mainstreaming (CRIM) project seeks to systematically integrate climate change adaptation into decision-making for infrastructure planning, and the supervision and maintenance of the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), which is responsible for local infrastructure throughout Bangladesh. A dedicated Climate Resilient Local Infrastructure Centre (CReLIC) will be created within LGED as a knowledge hub to mainstream climate resilience into local government activities and trigger a step-wise institutional learning process. Complementary to the institutional creation of the CReLIC, the project will finance piloting of local infrastructure designed to optimize climate change resilience in some of the country's most vulnerable districts.
Country(ies) | Bangladesh |
National Designated Authority (NDA) | Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance |
Accredited Entity (AE) | Kreditanstalt fÜr Wiederaufbau: KfW (International) |
Executing Entity (EE) | Local Government Engineering Department (Public) |
Date of Final FP Submission | September 25, 2015 |
Estimated Project Duration | 2016-2022 |
Target Sector | Infrastructure |
GCF Financing | 40.0 million USD (Grant) Medium |
Co-financing |
Project Description
< Major Project Components>
- nstitutional development through setting up the Climate Resilience Local Infrastructure Centre (CReLIC), an institutional think tank and knowledge hub under local government.
- Pilot of climate resilient rural infrastructure that can withstand severe cyclones (shelters and rural road connectivity).
- Construction of high-priority urban infrastructure in the city of Satkhira, with close monitoring and knowledge generation through CReLIC (priorities currently being selected from city drainage, flood protection, water supply, sanitation, and transport).

FP004: Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Mainstreaming in Bangladesh
Potential Indicators of Key Impacts
Expected total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, disaggregated by gender (reduced vulnerability or increased resilience):
- Direct beneficiaries: 134,350 persons
- Indirect beneficiaries: 10.4 million persons
6.9% of the total population (0.1% for direct and 6.8% for indirect beneficiaries) - Other relevant indicator: Percentage of LGED infrastructure with increased resilience to climate variability and change: 10%