Accredited Entities (AEs) list
Accredited Entities (AEs: national, regional and international entities accredited by the GCF Board) are responsible for developing and submitting funding proposals, which meet GCF policies, standards, and safeguards . Only AEs can submit funding proposals to the GCF, in other words, access to GCF resources should be through AEs. Once these funding proposals are approved by the GCF Board, AEs are entitled to receive GCF finance and should coordinate the implementation of approved projects or progammes.
There are two types of AEs: Direct Access Entities (DAEs) and International Access Entities (IAEs). DAEs are national and regional implementing entities for accreditation to request and receive GCF funding and to implement projects/progammes. IAEs include United Nations agencies, multilateral development banks, and international financial institutions. The GCF offers non-repayable grants, concessional loans, guarantees, and equity. AEs have limited financial management area (grants, loans, guarantees, and equity) by the GCF Board depending on their institutional capacity. Size of each project or activity within a progamme is Micro (<USD 10 million), Small (USD 10-50 million), Medium (USD 50-250 million), and Large (>USD 250 million).
GCF requires AEs to assign the appropriate environmental and social (E&S) risk categories to activities in a manner consistent with the accreditation framework of GCF (GCF/B.19/43). GCF examines AEs' capacity, in line with the E&S standards and all relevant GCF policies.
- The categories are as follows:
- (a) Category A: Activities with potential significant adverse environmental and/or social risks and impacts that, individually or cumulatively, are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented.
- (b) Category B: Activities with potential limited adverse environmental and/or social risks and impacts that individually or cumulatively, are few, generally site-specific, largely reversible, and readily addressed through mitigation measures.
- (c) Category C: Activities with minimal or no adverse environmental and/or social risks and/or impacts.
Name | AE short name | Country/Headquarter | Type | Fiduciary function | E&S risk category | Size of an individual project or activity within a programme | |||||||||
Project managemnet | Grant award and/or funding allocations | Blended finance | C | B | A | Micro | Small | Medium | Large | ||||||
Loan | Equity | Guarantee |
Acumen Fund, Inc. | Acumen | USA | DAE(Regional) | ||||||||||||
Africa Finance Cooperation | AFC | Nigeria | IAE | ||||||||||||
Africa Development Bank | AfDB | Côte D'Ivoire | IAE | ||||||||||||
Agence française de developpement | AFD | France | IAE | ||||||||||||
Agency for Agricultural Development Morocco | ADA | Morocco | DAE | ||||||||||||
Asian Development Bank | ADB | Philippines | IAE | ||||||||||||
Banque Ouest Africaine De Développement | BOAD | Togo | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre | CCCCC | Brazil | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Caribbean Development Bank | CDB | Barbados | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
CDG Capital S.A. | CDG Capital | Morocco | DAE | ||||||||||||
Central Amercan Bank for Economic Integration | CABEI | Honduras | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Centre de Suivi Écologique | CSE | Senegal | DAE | ||||||||||||
China Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center | China CDM Fund Mamagement Center | China | DAE | ||||||||||||
Conservation International Foundation | CI | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
Corporación Andina de Fomento | CAF | Venezuela | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank | Crédit Agricole CIB | France | IAE | ||||||||||||
Department of Environment of Antigua and Barbuda | DOE | Antigua and Barbuda | DAE | ||||||||||||
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft | Deutsche Bank AG | Germany | IAE | ||||||||||||
Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit | GIZ | Germany | IAE | ||||||||||||
Development Bank of Southern Africa | DBSA | South Africa | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Environment Investment Fund | EIF | Namibia | DAE | ||||||||||||
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development | EBRD | United Kingdom | IAE | ||||||||||||
European Investment Bank | EIB | Luxembourg | IAE | ||||||||||||
Fiji Development Bank | FDB | Fiji | DAE | ||||||||||||
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | FAO | Italy | IAE | ||||||||||||
Foreign Economic Coperation Office | FECO | China | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Fundación Avina | Fundación Avina | Panama | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries | HSBC | United Kingdom | IAE | ||||||||||||
Infrastructure Development Company limited | IDCOL | Bangladesh | DAE | ||||||||||||
Inter-American Development Bank | IDB | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Development Association | World Bank | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
International Finance Corporation | IFC | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
International Fund for Agricultural Development | IFAD | Italy | IAE | ||||||||||||
International Union for Conservation of Nature | IUCN | Switzerland | IAE | ||||||||||||
Japan International Cooperation Agency | JICA | Japan | IAE | For blending only | |||||||||||
Korea Development Bank | KDB | South Korea | DAE | ||||||||||||
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau | KfW | Germany | IAE | ||||||||||||
Micronesia Conservation Trust | MCT | Micronesia and Palau | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Ministry of Environment (formkerly Ministry of National Resources of Rwanda) | MoE | Rwanda | DAE | ||||||||||||
Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | MoFEC | Ethiopia | DAE | ||||||||||||
MUFG Bank, Ltd | MUFG Bank | Japan | IAE | ||||||||||||
National Bank for Agriclture and Rural Development | NABARD | India | DAE | ||||||||||||
National Environment Management Authority of Kenya | NEMA | Kenya | DAE | ||||||||||||
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. | FMO | Netherland | IAE | ||||||||||||
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation | PKSF | Bangladesh | DAE | ||||||||||||
Peruvian Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Areas | Profonanpe | Peru | DAE | ||||||||||||
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur | PT SMI | Indonesia | DAE | ||||||||||||
Sahara and Sahel Observatory | OSS | Tunisia | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme | SPREP | Samoa | DAE (Regional) | ||||||||||||
Small Industries Development Bank of India | SIDBI | India | DAE | ||||||||||||
Société de Promotion et de Participation Pour la Coopération | PROPARCO | France | IAE | ||||||||||||
South African National Biodiversity Institute | SANBI | South Africa | DAE | ||||||||||||
Unidad Para el Cambio Rural (Unit for Rural Change) | UCAR | Argentina | DAE | ||||||||||||
United Nations Development Programme | UNDP | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
United Nations Environment Programme | UNEP | Kenya | IAE | ||||||||||||
World Food Programme | WFP | Italy | IAE | ||||||||||||
World Meteorogical Organization | WMO | Switzerland | IAE | ||||||||||||
World Wildlife Fund, Inc. | WWF | USA | IAE | ||||||||||||
XacBank LLC | XacBank | Mongolia | DAE |