Building resilience to compound and cascading disaster risks
December, 2021
The Joint Message on the Synergy between Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction by the Japanese government calls for integrated approaches for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in this era of climate crisis. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is also a growing need to address cascading and compound effects of pandemic and disasters by considering system-wide impacts.
This e-learning course targets local/national government officers and will help them develop the capacity to implement specific measures to build resilience against compound and cascading disasters such as infectious diseases like COVID-19 and climate -induced disasters. Step by step, this course will teach you measures that resilient communities can successfully apply to prepare, respond and recover when hazards of compound or cascading nature strikes simultaneously or successively.
This course has been designed based on recent studies, taking note of voices from leading experts at local, national and international levels as well as lessons from recent disasters involving compound or cascading hazard phenomena. It builds upon knowledge and strategies successfully used to deal with single hazards and expands them to cope with more complex situations.
The “Building resilience to compound and cascading disaster risks” course is organized into four chronological lessons, taking you from beginning to end, step by step, covering all you need to do to strengthen resilience against multi-hazards. It is recommended that you work through the videos of this course in chronological order.
The original mp4 files for each lesson can be downloaded from each lesson’s page. The video script and worksheets for all lessons can be downloaded from the “Download Script & Worksheet” link below.
This e-learning course was officially launched at the international workshop on 21 January 2021. The workshop featured discussions by a wide range of experts, with a focus on the capacity gaps and needs to strengthen disaster management at the local level against compound and cascading disasters. The workshop video and report are available from the following links.