March, 2023

This short course introduces key considerations and approaches to climate change adaptation and urban resilience planning from the perspectives of sustainable waste and resource management. Sustainable waste and resource management is increasingly linked to climate and urban resilience building. Whereas the effects of climate change can exacerbate existing waste and resource management challenges, adaptation strategies in this sector can help advance social, environmental, and economic goals. Drawing on examples from developing countries, this course introduces how the design and operation of systems that sustainably manage wastes and resource streams promote resource efficiency, reduce burdens on public health systems and natural resource value chains, and improve resilience to certain impacts of climate change.
Lesson 1
Crosscutting linkages for climate resilience, circular economy, and sustainable waste and resource management.
Lesson 1 introduces key concepts to understand the interlinkages between climate resilience, sustainable materials' flow management, urban metabolism, and circular economy. It notes how these are necessary to build climate-resilient, sustainable, equitable, and ecologically healthy communities. The lesson highlights how poor waste and resource management outcomes can affect adaptation and resilience efforts of communities and cities.
Lesson 2
Approaches to mapping and engaging key sectors in mainstreaming sustainable waste and resource management for resilient cities.
This lesson introduces the approaches to mapping out relevant actors and the roles they can play in mainstreaming sustainable waste and resource management to support cities' climate change adaptation and resilience strategies. The lesson also provides practical examples and approaches to multi-sector mapping.
Lesson 3
Case studies and scenarios from cities in the developing world.
This lesson builds on the previous lessons by sharing case studies, scenarios, activities, and exercises to understand the interlinkages between climate resilience and sustainable waste and resource management. Drawing on stories from cities in developing countries, it notes practical solutions to mainstream sustainable resource management strategies in climate change adaptation planning.
Worksheet Template
To submit your completed worksheet, email with “AP-PLAT Climate-Waste Video Worksheet” in the subject line. Technical staff of the AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific will review your submission and respond as appropriate via email.