AP-PLAT welcomes delegate from Bhutan's National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology
On April 9-10th 2024, AP-PLAT welcomed representatives of Bhutan’s National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) in Tsukuba, Japan.
Bhutan’s National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) is responsible for observations and information services related to the water, atmosphere and glaciers of the kingdom. This mandate encompasses a wide array of activities ranging from collection of observation data to forecasts, early-warning systems and aviation control. Additionally, the kingdom’s complex topography means that the accuracy of climate projections heavily depends on their downscaling.
Following Yuji Masutomi’s workshop at the Center on this topic, AP-PLAT welcomed NCHM Director Karma Dupchu, Weather and Climate Services Division Chief Singay Dorji, and Senior Hydromet Officer Pema Syldon, who leads weather forecasting and observations. The delegate exchanged ongoing activities and discussed specifics of opportunities for collaboration with researchers at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) in Tsukuba, Japan.

President Masahide Kimoto of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, home of AP-PLAT welcomed the NCHM delegate headed by Director Karma Dupchu.

The group discussed Bhutan’s meteorological characteristics and possibilities for collaboration between the institutes.

Director Yasuaki Hijioka and Deputy Director Kenji Kamita of the Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA; under NIES) welcomed the delegate and described ongoing activities in Japan.

More in-depth presentations by NIES/CCCA researchers Takahiro Oyama, Yoshifumi Masago, and Yuji Masutomi, as well as Akane Matsuo of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) gave introductions and updates on A-PLAT (AP-PLAT’s forerunner in Japan), Japan’s policy and research framework on climate change adaptation, and AP-PLAT’s three-year Action Plan and capacity development program in Bangladesh. Senior Hydromet Officer Pema Syldon, who leads weather forecasting and observations at NCHM, introduced the mandate, functions and ongoing development of NCHM.

The delegate also received a tour of cutting edge greenhouse gas monitoring at NIES from Tsuneo Matsunaga and Toshinobu Machida. Noriko Ishizaki, Naota Hanasaki, and Tokuta Yokohata shared their latest research on downscaling of future climate projections, future projections and adaptations of water cycles using water resource models, and the distribution of permafrost and climate impacts on them. The group also explored future development of research projects and ideas for collaboration.

Akihiko Murata, Masaya Nosaka, and Shin Fukui of MRI introduced the institution and its research programs as well as latest research. Pema Syldon gave an overview of NCHM and its work. Miho Kamei of IGES introduced ongoing research on sustainable development strategies in Bhutan. In the discussions that followed, the Bhutanese delegate expressed their interest in downscaling of future projections and evaluation of uncertainty.
We look forward to exploring opportunities for further collaboration with NCHM.
(Posted : 26/Apr/2024)