AP-PLAT participated in the session on accessing and using data and information for adaptation planning (Webinar session)
Date | 19 April 2023 |
Venue | Online |
Language | English |
Session title | Accessing and using data and information for adaptation planning |
Organizers | Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ) |
AP-PLAT’s partner organization, RRC.AP, hosted a webinar session on April 19.
During this session, Dr. Masutomi Yuji, Director of the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Research Section, CCCA, National Institute for Environmental Studies, gave a presentation titled “Introduction to ClimoCast,” which is an online tool for climate prediction.

The session began with welcoming remarks by Mr. Gilbert Borongan, Director of the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), followed by opening remarks by Ms. Yuko Yoshida (Japan), Acting Director, Climate Change Adaptation Office, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
Presentations of the three tools were then given, all questions related to the presentations were taken, and panelists answered all questions.
- Presentation 1 : Introduction to FloodS, a flood forecasting
Dr. Satoshi Yamaguchi, Chief Researcher, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. - Presentation 2 : Introduction to ClimoCast, an online tool for climate forecasting
Dr. Masutomi Yuji, Head of Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Research Section, Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan. - Presentation 3 : Introduction of S8DS climate downscaling tool
Mrs. Hnin Lai Win, Programme Officers of Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.

Dr. Masutomi mentioned that Climocast makes it easy to acquire information with only two data acquisition steps. This makes data acquisition easy not only for policymakers but also for students and the public.
The session was closed by Dr. Ramesh Soysa, Head, Climate Change Cluster, Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology (RRC.AP), Thailand.
The Ministry of Environment (MoEJ), Japan and AP-PLAT’s partner organization AIT RRC.AP continue to engage with people in the region, bridging the gap between science and its users to ensure adequate access and use of climate data and information.
The purpose of this webinar was to introduce three climate scenario planning tools for strategic decision-making, as well as how to access them.
The intention is to make such tools freely available for use by developing countries seeking to understand and manage the development of climate predictions and impact scenarios for their respective regions, particularly for officials involved in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, but also widely applicable for all climate adaptation practitioners as well as for educational purposes. This will empower climate adaptation practitioners in the region and beyond to use their own field knowledge in understanding the future scenario of climate change impacts and develop appropriate actions.
AP-PLAT works with likeminded climate adaptation platforms, research institutions, and government agencies. Our goal is to enable informed decision-making and adaptive action through collaborative efforts to create and communicate actionable scientific knowledge tools.
We appreciate the opportunity to showcase the usefulness of these tools in this session.
(Posted : 25/APR/2023)