Technical training on developing adaptation platform in Indonesia
Date | 06/FEB/2019 |
Location | Bogor, Indnesia |

Technical training on developing an adaptation platform in Indonesia (I-PLAT) was held in Bogor on February 6, 2019, with participants from the following organizations: National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS); Indonesian National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API); Universitas Indonesia; Geo Enviro Omega; National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES); and Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.
This training was planned to be a follow-up based on the training held in Tokyo in December 2018. The training was supported by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan as a Bilateral Cooperation Project.
While NIES gave a presentation on the AP-PLAT development framework, the Indonesian side gave presentations on the I-PLAT Development Framework, the importance of the dynamical system for climate change adaptation platform in Indonesia, and the Policy Framework and Climate Change Adaptation Indicator/Climate resilience RPJMN 2020-2024.

The discussion emphasized the importance of consolidating data portal as one of the main components of I-PLAT, which will be utilized by national/local governments to implement adaptation measures throughout Indonesia. Besides, plans for next year were discussed, including the technical support on developing WebGIS.
We will continue cooperation next fiscal year to further develop I-PLAT, and to enhance collaboration between I-PLAT and AP-PLAT.

Participants from Indonesia:
- Sudhiani Pratiwi, Ewit Yuan Putri, Nadia Amelia Ridwan (BAPPENAS)
- Hasnah, Putra Dwitama, Swari F.Mufida, Pramudita Mahyastuti, Farhar (RAN API)
- Hendricus Andy Simarmata (Universitas Indonesia)
- Mohammad Fadli (Geo Enviro Omega)
- Dagmar Ayunanda R.
Participants from Japan:
- Kazutaka Oka, Hiroko Muromachi (NIES)
- Yoshihiro Mizuno, Hiroshi Okada (Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.)
(Posted : 14/JUN/2019)