Climate Change Adaptation Initiative in Indonesia: From Science to Policy
Date | 05/MAR/2018 |
Location | Jakarta, Indonesia |

A Symposium "Climate Change Adaptation Initiative in Indonesia: From Science to Policy" was held at the Sari Pacific Hotel, Indonesia on March 5, 2018. Attended by over 100 participants, it aimed to facilitate capacity building for climate change impact assessment for the development of local climate change adaptation plan, referred to as National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (or, Rencana Aksi Nasional Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim (RAN-API) in Indonesian.)
Mr. Takahashi, Vice-Minister for the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) and Dr. Ir Gellwyn Jusuf, Principal Secretary for Minister, Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia (BAPPENAS) signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) regarding cooperation on the climate change impact assessment for local adaptation planning for the Republic of Indonesia towards its 2nd phase. The cooperation will be implemented in line with RAN-API and in close collaboration with related ministries, local universities, and other donors, including the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The 1st phase of cooperation between MOEJ and BAPPENAS was launched on March 15, 2016. In this phase, a science-based climate impact assessment was conducted, based on which policy recommendations for mainstreaming the adaptation into development planning were made for the provinces of North Sumatra, East Java, and Bali for target sectors (i.e., agriculture, heat stress, waterborne diseases, and ocean). Using results of the two phases of the cooperation, the processes will be compiled and shared through the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT), to assist local governmental planning in Indonesia as well as in other countries.
(Posted : 05/MAR/2018)