Strengthening Climate Resilience of Agricultural Livelihoods in Agro-Ecological Regions I and II in Zambia: FP072

Project Outline

This project seeks to strengthen the resilience to climate change risks of vulnerable smallholder farmers in Zambia's Agro-Ecological Regions by taking a value chain approach, addressing risks posed across key stages of the value chain: planning, inputs, production, and post-production. Within these regions, smallholder farmers in five provinces (Eastern, Lusaka, Muchinga, Southern, and Western) will be directly targeted by the project to strengthen their capacity to plan for climate risks, resilience in agricultural production, diversify practices (for both food security and income generation), and access to markets.

Country(ies) Zambia
National Designated Authority (NDA) Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Planning and National Development
Accredited Entity (AE) United Nations Development Programme: UNDP (International)
Executing Entity (EE) Ministry of Agriculture (Public)
Date of Final FP Submission February 5, 2018
Estimated Project Duration 2018-2025
Target Sector Agriculture
GCF Financing 32 million USD (Grant) Medium
  • Ministry of Agriculture: 103.5 million USD (Grant)
  • WARMA :0.369 million USD (Grant)
  • UNDP:1.4 million USD (Grant)

Project Description

< Major Project Components>

  1. Strengthening capability of key agencies to provide advice to farmers based on climate information.
  2. Promoting resilience in agricultural livelihoods (water management, resilient crop seeds, production practices, etc.).
  3. Increasing farmers' access to markets and commercialization of resilient products (product processing, storage, transportation, financial education, etc.).
Project schematic chart
Project schematic chart
Ref: FP072 Strengthening Climate Resilience of Agricultural Livelihoods in Agro-Ecological Regions I and II in Zambia

Potential Indicators of Key Impacts

Expected total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, disaggregated by gender (reduced vulnerability or increased resilience):

  1. Direct beneficiaries: 946,153 persons (51% of total beneficiaries will be female)
  2. Indirect beneficiaries: 3,000,000 persons
    6.1% of the total population (24.1% including indirect beneficiaries)